Wednesday, August 1st @ Idaho Botanical Garden… MORE

Wednesday, August 1st @ Idaho Botanical Garden… MORE
Check out the pictures!… MORE
At Record World Record Shop on Broadway in Boise… MORE
Pictures from the show… MORE
Pictures from the concert… MORE
45th Annual Car Show in Boise.… MORE
New Calendar Coming This March… MORE
Pictures from the Desert Trip Music Festival… MORE
Def Leppard, REO Speedwagon, and Tesla live at Taco Bell Arena on September 28th, 2016… MORE
Rock Girls Rebecca and Montana backstage with Kiss along with winners Andrew, Kirsten, Mark, Rich, and Adrian at Taco Bell Arena on July 7th, 2016.… MORE
Video chat on Tony Iommi & the new album
On who she voted for in the 2025 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
The 1st band he ever met + the tour with STP in 2000.
Interview about tattoos & guitars
In Boise Feb 21st
He stops by the studio for a chat
On the phone with Warren Haynes from The Allman Bros
He plays his guitar & we guess the songs