“Mentallica” & actually it’s really good… MORE
“Mentallica” & actually it’s really good… MORE
Interview with 2 members… MORE
Ron McNeil plays John Lennon & they’re in Boise on Friday.… MORE
Friends w/ Slipknot & Limp Bizkit members + haunted airplane stories.… MORE
On hanging with Keith Richards & working with Mötley Crüe… MORE
Plus my dream trailer… MORE
Interview with comedian coming to Boise… MORE
Talking with lead singer Kevin Martin on video… MORE
New Dio documentary in theatres… MORE
Talks about sobriety, Pantera, Steven Adler & if the band is almost done.… MORE
He stops by the studio for a chat
On the phone with Warren Haynes from The Allman Bros
He plays his guitar & we guess the songs
Interview with the driver of Scoby-Doo
On why he didn’t buy Peter Green’s Les Paul
Jon Fickes plays John Lennon
In Boise Nov 23rd
In Boise Oct 4th