WHY OH WHY do people do this!!?

OK, let me first say…while I don’t (currently) have any pets, I don’t hate animals, by any means! HOWEVER, I do not get the whole “dress up your pet” thing…for Halloween OR any other occasion! My ex dresses her little miniature “what-ever-it is” EVERY day of the week (so I hear), and the dog has it’s own damn closet! Now, in this day and age of super-sensitivity…couldn’t it be considered cruelty to animals, to force that pour mutt or cat to put on some crazy get-up!!? With Halloween nearly here…pets in costumes is once again, happening everywhere…so, I guess if ya can’t beat em, join em!?  If I did have a pet…and if it were a cat…here’s an awesome costume!  Yah, I give up…


