Bret Michaels from Poison on the true story behind “Every Rose Has It’s Thorn”, his health scares the last few years, how Poison is still close, growing up in Pennsylvania and even ashtrays in cars. – Forrest
Bret Michaels from Poison on the true story behind “Every Rose Has It’s Thorn”, his health scares the last few years, how Poison is still close, growing up in Pennsylvania and even ashtrays in cars. – Forrest
The 1st band he ever met + the tour with STP in 2000.
Interview about tattoos & guitars
In Boise Feb 21st
He stops by the studio for a chat
On the phone with Warren Haynes from The Allman Bros
He plays his guitar & we guess the songs
Interview with the driver of Scoby-Doo
On why he didn’t buy Peter Green’s Les Paul