I do love Sammy & co…

Some of THE absolute best music that’s come from Sammy Hagar since his Van Halen days (in my humble opinion) has been the work he did with his “supergroup” Chickenfoot…and then the next supergroup mix of “The Circle” and the the live “At Your Service” album and DVD! And while I get the need to do some original material etc., I’m not a fan of the latest album  “Space Between”. Below is the latest video to be released, “No Worries”…and then one of my favorite tracks/videos from Chickenfoots debut album…which I thought rocked! Maybe I’m a bit tainted, having seen (but not remembered much, lol) Chickenfoot in Portland on the tour in support of that first album. Would I go see the current “The Circle” super group..? Depends on what the song selection was like. ~Ron

