Get on your bikes & ride

Today is the first day I’ve driven my “new” motorcycle to work.  It’s older than me but I just got it a few months ago.  It’s taken me a little while to get it road worthy.


But I made it to work today without having to call someone to come pick me up.


My family aren’t big motorcycle people per say, we’ve never ridden together.  Growing up my brother and I always took turns driving whatever dirt bike my father had bought but nobody ever had a road license.  20 years later and we all do.

My father


My brother


My sister (brother-in-law)

Truimph 2

I’m trying to talk them into a little friendly competition, the person with the most road licensed motorcycles at the end of 1 year wins.  So far my Father leads with 3.  I’m like Peter Pan with a checking account.


