It wouldn’t be the first time a “major” Hollywood star was spotted in Boise…but Bruce Willis, in downtown!!? And of all places, the drive thru at Chick fil-A off Broadway & Front!? Not impossible, right? After all, he was driving a brand new Black Youkon XLT and wearing a suit, sunglasses. Hey, even bad-ass Bruce may visit a fast food stop now and then…but, that was not the case, this time. The crew at Chick fil-A was serious about “me” being “him”, and while I could have played along, I let them know I wasn’t Bruce…but even as I was pulling away, the group of about 5 employee’s near the window, still had that look on their face, like “what if it was, and he didn’t want to be recognized”!!? Ha I have got that twice before, once at Home Depot in Nampa (again, a pretty unlikely place), and another time in McCall…by a entire family walking down the street, as I drove by with my window down…and as they pointed, I heard them exclaim, “OMG, that’s Bruce Willis”! They were full-on serious…although “Bruce” was rollin’ in a Green 2000 Honda CRV…double HA! Now a few Summers ago, a couple (who were parole officers) totally thought I was Michael Chiklis…from the series “The Shield”. That was the first (and only) time I’d got that one. Well, I’ve posted some pics here…the real Bruce, and Michael…and the darn “imposter” myself. Hey, guess I’m pretty darn close to looking like Michael, maybe I should cruise up to Sun Valley for a weekend, and sell autographs!