I’m sure you’ve heard that saying, “be careful what you wish for”…well, I’m now going to just start watching what I SAY period! Have you ever heard of the book, or movie “The Secret”? In a nutshell, it’s all about how what we say (and truly focus on)…we actually can bring into being. And I’m hear to tell you that it ACTUALLY happened to me recently…not once, but TWICE within just a matter of days! Did I magically make a 1967 Shelby GT500 Mustang appear, nope….win a nice chunk o’ coin in the lottery, nope…have a gorgeous bikini babe ask if could assist in putting on some sun lotion, nope. So what just did I “get“!? Well, my Daughter, Son In Law, and new Grand baby came to visit from Vancouver Washington, for Father’s Day weekend. Just a day before they arrived, I was talking to a friend, and was “bragging” how I “almost never” get sick, and how “now” would not be good timing. Yah, you figured it out…two days later, I’m sick, just in time for the kids visit. And, why not a double whammy! While they were here, my Daughter just happened to ask how long I’d had my appliances…I mentioned that I’d bought them new when I moved here (Late 2005)…so they were almost 10 yrs old. And in conversing…I mentioned something along the lines of “sure hope they don’t give out…now would NOT be a good time to have to buy a new one”. What’s even more weird…as I was saying that, I was looking RIGHT AT my Dryer. And yep, you’ve figured it out…2 damn days later, my Dryer goes to crap! Needless to say, I’m going to start “speaking” a bit differently…enough already! So, do YOU have any similar stories…I’m betting you do, at some point you said it, and BAM it came to be!?